Monday, June 6, 2011

Food Assignment

In this assignment I took pictures of food. It was definitely harder than I thought it would be. My pictures turned out very average I was trying to use the different colors of fruits and vegetables on macro setting to get some cool pictures. However, it did not turn out very well. This turned out to be my best one.

Shutter Speed: 1/60

Aperture: 2.8

ISO: 400

These are my top 10 pictures.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Visual Puns Assignment

In this assignment we had to use a generic background and use only 2 pictures to create a visual pun. It wasn't too challenging but it was a fun assignment that made you think and be creative.

Here are the puns I did,


Wisdom Tooth


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Visual Dictionary Assignment

In this assignment we had to make 5 pictures that define a word not commonly used. It was very challenging finding pictures that matched enough words. This could come in handy if we needed to add something to one of our pictures.






Nature Assignment

In this assignment I took pictures of nature. I had some trouble with lighting because there was a lot of shadows and it was hard to get an even lit picture. This is my favorite picture I took.

Shutter Speed: 1/80

Aperture: 3.5

ISO: 80

These are my 10 favorite pictures.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Architecture Photo Assignment

In this assignment I took pictures of my house to show architecture. I felt like this assignment went pretty good. I had some difficulties but felt like they were easily fixable. This is my best picture in my opinion.

Shutter Speed: 1/80

Aperture: 3.5

ISO: 100

This is a slideshow of my 10 best pictures.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Black & White Assignment

In this assignment I chose to take black and white pictures. Some challenges I had was finding good items to take black and white pictures of. I learned that taking black and white pictures are very hard to do. It looks a lot easier than it really is. Out of the 10 pictures this is one is the best in my opinion.

Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: 5.8
ISO: 400

These are my 10 best pictures

Friday, May 13, 2011

Context Assignment

In this assignment we took a picture somewhere around the school and took a picture off the internet that should not be in the one we took. We edited it out and pasted it into our picture. This technique can be very useful to make almost a "fantasy land" picture.

Car Retouch Assignment

In this assignment we took a picture of a car and "retouched" it to make it look better. Below is a before and after picture of the car.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Motion Blur Assignment

In this assignment we experimented with using motion blur. Motion blur is a technique used to take a picture of a moving object while blurring the background. I found that if you do it right you can really get some cool effects from a good motion blur.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Still Life Photo Assignment

In this Assignment I took "Still Life" pictures. This is a photo of my sisters lamp and I really liked how the colors worked out together. This is my favorite picture of all the ones I took.

ISO: 400
Aperture: 2.87
Shutter Speed: 1/80

This is a slideshow of my 10 best pictures.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Panoramic Assignment

In this assignment we had to create a panoramic picture using at least 3 individual pictures. Once we had our pictures we had to use the photo editing software called, GIMP to stitch them together. I learned that stitching 3 individual pictures into one is very hard; however, you can really get a cool picture effect if you do that.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Macro Photo Assignment

In this assignment I chose to take "macro" pictures. "Macro" is a technique used to take a picture of an object at a very close range to change your perspective on it.

Out of all the pictures I took this is my best one

Shutter Speed: 1/100
Aperture: 2.6
ISO: 400

This is a slideshow of my 10 best photos.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Event Photo Assignment

In this assignment I chose to take pictures of my family's easter egg hunt. This did not go very well. I was battling poor lighting and tons of digital noise no matter what settings I used. I was not very happy with the overall quality of all of my shots. Some turned out decent but these are not as good as I had hoped they would turn out.

This picture, in my opinion, is my best one.

Here are my 10 favorite shots in a slide show

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Motion Me

In this project we made a video using the program motion. We had to give our name and 5-10 adjectives that describes ourselves. I learned that you can get some really cool looking effects by adding items from motion to your video.

Warhol Effect

We edited this using the program GIMP. We were going for the "Worhol" effect. I learned that just by adding the same picture you can really get a cool effect.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sound Story

We made this project in my video production 2 class. We had to create a one minute long story using only sound. This project taught me that sound is very important. You notice the slightest silence or the slightest difference in sounds.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Composition Assignment

We learned about the different types of composition shots that you can take in photography and than we had to apply them in 11 different shots.

Texture= Tree
Lines= Flags
Rule of Thirds= Joey
Depth of Field= Shoes
Symmetry= Ladders
Pattern= School Windows
Perspective= Basketball Hoop
Color= Dresser
Space= Flame
Balance= Controller
Frame= My Sister

In this project I learned that there are so many ways you can utilize different techniques to make your pictures all the more better. Simple things you can do on any type of camera and can make a world of difference in your pictures.

Monday, April 11, 2011

30 Second Spot

Project Description:

In this project my partner and I had to make a 30 second video using only close ups and extreme close ups with one wide shot. We were given the music and had to make a story.